Luce Moreau
The Palaces
Hours and dates
- From 1 Nov 2018 to 4 Nov 2018 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Galerie du Beffroi
Luce Moreau
Luce Moreau is a photographer and a visual artist who lives in Marseille. She is the co-founder of OTTO-Prod collective and has been working since 2006 on curatorial projects and artists' residencies, while developing her artistic research.
Different periods of artistic residency in exceptional situations (Observatory of Haute Provence - CNRS, Friuli Islands, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Colombia with beekeepers or within a nanotechnology company in Geneva) led Luce to very specific achievements and allowed her to deepen her plastic questions on a daily basis, both by empiricism and by reflection and observation. Her recent artistic concerns, however, have moved beyond the realm of light and space to embark on a long-term project alongside living things; the sensitive observation of natural phenomena and the experimental aspect of his approach remain.
The Palaces
In contrast to the undeniable "natural order of things", "Ordered Nature" questions the reversive relationship between human society and animal organizations; the ascendancy of one over the other, but also the interpenetration of their systems and behaviours, whose common goal is survival. Chimeric modules, spatial conquest, the Palais Sociétaire, entomology, mimicry, utopian architecture, geometry, political system, camouflage and archaeology constitute a vast and undefined set of my various approaches to the subject.
In the heart of the hive, queens produce workers and workers produce queens. A colony of bees is therefore immortal even if the individuals who constitute it are mortal. However, the bee has now also become a symbol of the exponential degradation of natural habitats, of the general state of nature, and its certain decline. An apocalyptic scenario, an urban legend mistakenly attributed to Albert Einstein, leads the bee and its imminent disappearance towards the extinction of the human species. An ecological dystopia whose forager is central, guardian of a precarious balance, transforms the collective human imagination and its symbols of infinity.
"The Palaces" result from the encounter between the constructions of a human imagination and those resulting from the instinct of insects. The experiments submitted to bee colonies and their engineering the plans of humanist architectural complexes, dedicated to humanity, in a utopia of solidarity and progress: the Phalanstère, a corporate palace designed by Charles Fourier in the 19th century and the Orbital Station designed in the early 20th century by the engineer Herman Potočnik known as Noordung, which would provide in space a "rescue habitat" and in which Earth gravity would be recreated.