Luiz Zanotello
The Burst
Hours and dates
- From 1 Nov 2018 to 4 Nov 2018 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Etablissement Notre-Dame
Luiz Zanotello
Luiz Zanotello (1986 Jundiaí, Brazil) is an artist, designer and researcher living and working in Berlin. His work occurs within new media studies, often by conceiving new imaginaries of technology and exploring its narrative, material, and critical aspects. Through practice-based artistic research on digital materialities, he crafts electronic installations, machineries and territories for techno-imagination.

The Burst
The Burst probes for a contingent event of singularity: a moment when the utopias of techno-automated intelligence and its infrastructural material realities might rapidly come into friction and burst in unison. Such territory for political friction is enacted within a consensual machine: a nonhuman routine of incessant fact construction and re-evaluation. Consisting of 16 metallic probes and a metallic sheet sample spinning in high speed, the machine acts through the vitality of the very base materials of its constitution: electricity and metals, taken as generators of contingency for automated evaluative thinking.
This project was co-produced by the KIKK Festival, the Goethe-Institute of Brussel and the Abattoirs de Bomel.