
Pôle jeu vidéo de Namur

The Video Game Cluster of Namur works in collaboration with academic partners like HEAJ and UNAMUR, business partners like start-ups and established studios and public authorities organization like TRAKK, BEP and City Of Namur. Soloth Games / Elixirs Elixirs is a fast paced game where you incarnate an alchemist working toward business success. Gather ingredients, mix them in the right machine and serve your customers in time to earn tons of money! Cops & Robbers Cops & Robbers is an asymmetrical party game, where you can be either a powerful cop flying over the city, or a robber in the streets trying to make as much money as possible without being caught.



The company

Pôle jeu vidéo asbl

Our main goal is the development of the video game industry in Namur by helping the creation of startups, interesting publishers to open studios, promote Video Game as communication and learning support in educational, cultural and tourism organizations.

