Kutì Kutì
Anna Aflalo & Pauline Arnaud - FR
Hours and dates
- From 3 Nov 2018 to 4 Nov 2018 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Kutì Kutì
Kutì Kutì introduces you to its flagship product : an evolving lamp to assemble and customize the way you want ! A set includes 2 to 4 different lighting blocks that can combine to many different imaginations. Psst… the blocks light up when they touch and you can even draw on them ! Kutì Kutì will come with other surprises, such as fill-in-the-blank postcards and posters to personalise, color and share !

The company
Anna Aflalo & Pauline Arnaud - FR
Kutì Kutì is a Playful Maker Studio launched by Anna, maker & fab manager, and Pauline, designer & illustrator. Their shared desire is to create educational and playful material. This led them to a variety of hands-on and evolving products for kids and their families.
Their ambition ? MAKING learning FUN !