Thomson & Craighead
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Hours and dates
- 2 Nov 2018 from 15:30 to 16:10
The place
Theater - Main Room
Jon Thomson and Alison Craighead
Jon Thomson and Alison Craighead make artworks that examine the changing socio-political structures of the Information Age. In particular they have been looking at how the digital world is ever more closely connected to the physical world becoming a geographical layer in our collective sensorium. Time is often treated with a sculptor’s mentality, as a pliable quantity that can be moulded and remodelled. Solo shows had been held in Oregon, Los Angeles, London, Chicago, Hasselt, etc. They live and work between London and the Scottish Highlands.
Not Here
UK-based artists Jon Thomson and Alison Craighead will introduce a selection of work focusing on their interest in exploring what a documentary can be within the realms of contemporary art and how the internet continues to alter how we all perceive and comprehend the world around us.