
Escargot de Namur

With a pre-cut cardboard panel and a cocktail stick we will create our own “snail of Namur” in 3D. At the same time you’ll see a real 3D printer working as well.



The company

Fablab Leuven

FabLab Leuven is an “open source hardware” place for students and public at large. We provide user-friendly machine to make almost anything out of wood, paper or plastic. 
Lots of students come to our FabLab, but we also have a lot of visitors who come to FabLab Leuven to make a present for somebody or a souvenir for a camp… 
FabLab organizes several activities for children: training courses to learn how to use a laser cutter, a 3D printer, a cutting plotter... As a member of the "STEM at school" project, FabLab Leuven installs mini-FabLabs in schools (for children aged 10-14).