Xandra van der Eijk
Future Remnants
Hours and dates
- From 1 Nov 2018 to 4 Nov 2018 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Galerie du Beffroi
Xandra van der Eijk
Xandra van der Eijk is a research, bioart & contextual design. Through many experiments and thorough theoretical research these processes develop in conceptual works with a strong visual component. She documents and describes, but never fails to allow space for poetry. She is an active member of design collective Dutch Invertuals and curator at RAUM Utrecht.

Future Remnants
Steel, aluminum, zinc, and copper objects have been exposed to low chemical household solutions from a minimum of two days to a maximum of seven days. Creating a large diversity in beautiful patterns, crystals, and colors within this extremely short timespan, the project evokes and juxtaposes a sense of worry and hope. If such effects can be reached with chemicals considered relatively safe and harmless, what is already happening in the landscape and under the earth’s surface as a result of much larger scale chemical waste dumping? As the illegal drug industry leaches chemicals in the soil or waterways, and sand excavations are filled with polluted soils, are the reactions neutralizing damaging effects or will they create an even more hazardous situation? And can the bizarre range of new materials and minerals that arise from the reactions serve a purpose? Combining speculative design with chemistry experiments and material research, the installation aims to give us a glimpse into our future landscape.
Future Remnants was developed as a response to the theme Mutant Matter by Dutch Invertuals in collaboration with Franklin Till, and was presented during Milan Design Week 2018.
