The Workers
Designing connected experience - Margot Myers
Hours and dates
- 1 Nov 2018 from 16:10 to 16:50
The place
Palais des Congrès - Auditoire Rops
Margot Myers
Margot Myers is one of the directors of the creative technology studio The Workers. She uses her artistic sensibility to tell stories by using technology in unexpected ways. Margot grew up in Paris, after her diploma in literature at the Sorbonne she moved to London to train in illustration and design. She learned to code while working for creative agencies. With her brother, they founded the company, Studio Myers. They started from the very bottom, in her brother's bedroom but gradually gained a reputation as creative technologists. Later they merged with another company to become The Workers. Through interactive installation, prototypes, VR and AR experiences, they research and develop the role and applications of technology in our lives. Their work has been appreciated around the globe from Web-Controlled robots roaming around Tate Britain at night to celebrating community through public art or reimagining the famous “Pong” game. The Workers has won Tate Britain’s award for digital creativity and they never stop playing with the boundaries of what's possible.
Designing connected experience
Every event, exhibition or campaign is trying to communicate ideas, emotions and share it with an audience. Reaching a wider public and going further than the limits of a physical space or the digital frame is crucial. And it’s to go beyond those barriers, using the full spectrum of digital technologies that we design connected experiences. How do we enable the audience to be physically present without being there? How can we connect two groups that wouldn’t usually meet to start a conversation? How do we overcome the barrier of time so that the past feels relevant for today’s audience?