Paul Granjon
About the co-evolution of humans and machines and beyond
Hours and dates
- 1 Nov 2018 from 16:00 to 16:40
The place
Theater - Studio
Paul Granjon
Paul Granjon is interested in the co-evolution of humans and machines, imagining solutions for alternative futures and sharing his approach of creative technologies. He has been making robots and other machines for exhibitions and performances since 1996. Granjon’s work became known for a trademark combination of humour and serious questions, delivered with absurd machines made of recycled components. His Sexed Robots were exhibited in the Welsh Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2005. He performed from Canada to Japan with his disco dancing mini humanoid Mofo, an autonomous Robotic Gun and other live robots. He regularly delivers "Wrekshops", public events where participants are invited to take apart electronic waste and build temporary new machines from the bits they find. His latest robotic installations explore our expectations of a social robot and microbe/robot collaboration. He teaches Fine-Art in Cardiff School of Art and Design, UK.
About the co-evolution of humans and machines and beyond
A battery-powered parrot integrated into a sausage, microbes that move a clay vehicle, a purple robot that talks surprisingly well, another that bites, these are some of the creations that Paul Granjon will mention. The artist has been making machines since the end of the 20th century. His robots and other gadgets have no use other than to make people smile and ask themselves some questions about our relationship with technology. Starting from the need to understand a technology that accelerates, he observes the arrival of mechanical life, a state where the manufactured object has characteristics of life, a new species not yet categorized. With examples from social robotics, prehistoric technology, ethology and media/bio-art, Granjon will develop his reflections on a futuristic present where the prospects of the co-evolution of humans and machines open up both anguishing and singing horizons.

