Interactive Architecture Lab - Ruairi Glynn
Hours and dates
- 1 Nov 2018 from 17:05 to 17:45
The place
Palais des Congrès - Auditoire Rops
Ruairi Glynn
We’re witnessing whirlwind progress in robotics promising responsive and transformable architecture, drones and driverless cars, and many other autonomous artificial life forms, to soon co-habit our built environment. These technologies are expanding art and architecture's aesthetics of space, form, and material, to encompass design concerns of behaviour. No individual discipline can tackle this complex field and it has become apparent to me that the only response to this emerging world of possibilities is to engage in Anti-Disciplinary practices. This attitude has shaped my approach to my own art work and recently the development a new Masters in Design for Performance & Interaction at University College London that attracts students from a range of artistic and scientific backgrounds to tackle complex problems about how to design for our near future.