Caroline Goulard
Making the invisible visible
Hours and dates
- 1 Nov 2018 from 17:00 to 17:40
The place
Theater - Studio
Caroline Goulard
Caroline is nurturing a passion for how information can be expressed, shared and understood. In 2010, sensing that the rich data era will transform the way we work, learn and communicate, she co-founded Dataveyes, a studio specialized in Human-Data interactions. Within Dataveyes, she translates data into interactive experiences, in order to reveal new insightful stories, accompany new uses and understand our environment shaped by data and algorithms.

Rendre visible l'invisible
“Making the invisible visible” is the perfect definition for what data visualization is about. Data visualization helps to augment humans and make them able to see complex information that they would not be able to see otherwise. Of course, it is not a new thing, that humans try to equip themselves with technologies to see the invisible: telescopes, microscopes, radars, or infrared cameras were invented precisely for that purpose. But in the case of data visualization, "making visible the invisible" takes a special meaning. It is less about expanding our sight, than about improving our perception of the world and our understanding of phenomena around us.
At Dataveyes, they recently experimented a concrete case of “making the invisible visible” by working with sound. They wanted to find patterns in what we usually do not perceive in our everyday environment: the noise. Noise is invisible by nature, difficult to describe and to evaluate. How “noisy” is our environment? What are the noisiest places and moments? Data visualization helped us to answer these questions. It also opened us to new approaches on how can we turn ourselves from common data consumers to data producers to better document our environment.
