Ewen Chardronnet
Hours and dates
- 2 Nov 2018 from 15:00 to 15:40
The place
Theater - Studio
Ewen Chardronnet
Ewen Chardronnet is active in the field of the relationships between arts, science and technology, as an author, a journalist, a curator and a member of artists' collectives. He's cofounder of the Laboratory Planet collective and of the Aliens in Green intermedia performance art projet.

Roscosmoe aims to develop a series of experiments and designs of autonomous bioregenerative habitats to evaluate the behaviour of the photosymbiotic marine worm Symsagittifera roscoffensis in various gravity environments, including zero gravity conditions. The interdisciplinary Roscosmoe project aims to study the potential of terrestrial and marine biodiversity in the field of space research. It links the fields of marine biology, design, scientific anthropology and intermedia art.