Robertina Šebjanič
Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator
Hours and dates
- From 1 Nov 2018 to 4 Nov 2018 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Galerie du Beffroi
Robertina Sebjanic / Slavko Glamocanin
Based in Ljubljana, Robertina Šebjanic is working in the cross field of art, technology and science. Her art and research focus is since several years with cultural, (bio) political, chemical and biological realities of aquatic environments, which serves as a starting point to investigate and tackle the philosophical questions on the intersection of art, technology and science. Her ideas and concepts are often realized in collaboration with others, through interdisciplinary and informal integration in her work. She is a member of Hackteria Network and Theremidi Orchestra and she is also part of SHAPE platform 2017. She performed and exhibited at solo and group exhibitions as well as in galleries and festivals such as Ars Electronica Linz, Kosmica festival_ Laboratorio Arte Alameda_Mexico City, Le Cube_Paris, Art Laboratory Berlin, ZKM_Karlsruhe, re:publica_Berlin, Mladi Levi_Ljubljana, Strictly Analog_Ljudmila,Piksel_Bergen, Device art 5.015 at Klovicevi dvori_Zagreb & Eastern Bloc_Montreal, Eyebeam_New York, PORTIZMIR#3_ Izmir, Kiblix festival_Maribor, Gallery Kapelica_Ljubljana and more.

Aurelia 1+Hz
"Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator" addresses the possibilities of coexistence of animals and machines. In contrast to robots, which are driven by digital artificial intelligence, the project uses a live organism to process the “aliveness” of a simple machine. The project is divided in two parts; the performance proto viva sonification looks into a new critical redefinition of social values and new attitude towards cohabitation of interspecies while the installation proto viva generator deals with the biopolicy of prolonging life.